When you purchase a hearing aid, you’re not only investing in your hearing, you are making an investment toward your overall health and quality of life. Additionally, those closest to you – your spouse, children, neighbors, and colleagues – will benefit from your improved hearing. For example, your wife or husband won’t ask you to lower the volume on the TV anymore, nor will you have to read your friend’s lips to understand what they’re saying. When you decide to treat your hearing loss with hearing aids, you are making the decision to live life with ease and comfort.
Depending on your lifestyle, the cost of hearing aids may be a daunting factor in the acceptance of this form of treatment. Keep in mind that what determines the price is the technology level and your lifestyle. If you have a more active lifestyle, you’ll want a more sophisticated hearing aid. However, price should not be a determining factor for whether or not you decide to invest in better hearing, which is why we are here to help! FHBC offers several convenient options to help individuals with hearing loss obtain access to hearing aids, including direct insurance billing, interest-free financing for up to 12 months, leasing treatment plans, and collaboration with local and national organizations. Your Audiologist will explain all costs and options when recommending hearing aid treatment for your hearing loss.
Full or partial coverage for hearing aids through your health insurance is possible, depending on your individual policy. There are even some insurances in Alaska that have 100% coverage for hearing aids and related services, such as Alaska Medicaid. If you are unsure about the details of your insurance plan and what benefits you have, we can have one of our in-house insurance verification specialists check for you . Additionally, as the only medically-based hearing aid provider in the Interior, we can directly bill insurance and access your benefits upon purchase without you personally needing to submit a claim. Please contact us for more details to see if your insurance has benefits you weren’t aware of!
If your insurance policy only offers partial coverage or does not offer coverage for hearing aids, your next step may be to consider financing, which allows you to distribute the cost of your devices evenly in low, monthly payments. We offer financing through three avenues: AllWell Hearing Plan Leasing, CareCredit, and LendingUSA.
Our flexible financing is available to everyone. You can choose to do 12 months with no interest, or an extended payment from 24 to 60 months at a lower interest. Of course, financing options depend on credit score, and we provide immediate in-office pre-approval if requested.
We want to make sure that price doesn’t get in the way of improving your quality of life. Our Audiologists and trained staff can answer any questions related to health insurance and financing. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

We accept CareCredit ®, the leading healthcare credit card, to make improving your hearing health easier and more affordable. With CareCredit®, you can get the hearing instrument you need and conveniently pay for it over time with monthly payments that easily fit into your budget.
Your Healthcare Credit Card
CareCredit ® is a healthcare credit card for every member of the family. CareCredit® offers special financing on purchase of $200 or more* for healthcare costs not commonly covered by insurance, including hearing aids.
It’s the convenient way to improve your hearing health. Learn more by contacting our office.
Income-Based Assistance
FHBC is proud to partner with various local organizations such as the Lion’s Club, Quota Club, and Alaska State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. On a national level, we are also providers of the Starkey Hear Now Program.
Invest in better hearing today!
Our goal at FHBC is to make sure you get the most out of your investment in better hearing. Our Audiologists work closely with you to find a solution that not only fits your lifestyle, but also your budget. Every patient is provided a complimentary consult so that you are well educated in all that our bundled program has to offer, including:
- In-house expertise of a Board-certified Doctor of Audiology,
- 45-day trial period as required by Alaska State Law
- 3 years of repair warranty, including batteries (if necessary), supplies, and walk-in services and scheduled follow up,
- 3 years of loss insurance
If you are not satisfied, simply exchange them for a different pair or return them within the 45 days. There are no hidden fees, charges, or risks. So, why wait? Invest in better hearing and an improved quality of life today by contacting us today! We’re more than happy to assist you with your financial needs and get you on the path to better hearing.